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▪ Must be a born-again Christian 


▪ Must accept PHCA’s Statement of Faith 


▪ Must complete a Level II Background Screening 


▪ Must have a Bachelor’s or higher degree or a minimum of three years of teaching experience 



▪ Ensure that adequate preparations have been made to accomplish spiritual and educational objectives established for the classes assigned: integrating Biblical truth with instruction. 


▪ Utilize the lesson plan format to outline weekly objectives and projected learner outcomes. 


▪ Conduct classes with the ascribed curriculum guides and The Potter’s House Christian Academy (PHCA) philosophy as assigned via the master schedule. 


▪ Be knowledgeable of the spiritual, academic, physical, social, and emotional development of each student. 


▪ Develops, communicates, and implements clear achievable learning goals. 


▪ Communicates clearly and effectively with students (clear & concise directions, check for comprehension, uses verbal and nonverbal communication, elicits and responds to students’ questions or requests for support. 


▪ Demonstrate appropriate long and short-term preparation for classroom instruction that is logical and sequential, appropriate for students, and reflective of curriculum chosen by Administration. 


▪ Teaches the assigned curriculum as outlined in the curriculum documents. 


▪ Use The Potter’s House Christian Academy goals and objectives, both short and long-term, to guide assessment and instruction. 


▪ Understand diversity and respects/responds to the influence of culture and background learning. 


▪ Differentiate instruction by organizing and using a variety of instructional techniques, strategies, materials and technology to motivate and maximize the learning of each child both individually and in a group setting. 


▪ Engage students’ questions by creating a supportive learning community. 


▪ Engage students in meaningful learning that provides opportunities for creative, high level, critical thinking and in depth understanding using a variety of questioning levels and probes. 


▪ Uses a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques including tests/quizzes, projects, rubrics, anecdotal records, etc. that are developmentally appropriate and congruent with curriculum goals. 


▪ Demonstrates an understanding of how knowledge in their subject area is created and organized, linked to other disciplines, and applied to real life and world experiences. 


▪ Keep abreast of current developments in their fields in order to maintain relevance of material and practices. 

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