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RenWeb Is Now FACTS

The industry’s best school information system is better than ever, because it’s now part of one of the most comprehensive suites of school solutions available.



IXL Math

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great way for your child to get help with what they’re learning in school or to learn something completely new.

On IXL, math is more than just numbers. With unlimited questions, engaging item types, and real-world scenarios, IXL helps learners experience math at its most mesmerizing!

Map Skills

MAP Skills is a skills mastery and progress monitoring assessment that helps teachers drill down to the specific skills each student needs to learn. Use it between MAP Growth administrations to see exactly what struggling students are missing and advanced students are ready to take on—then adjust instruction in the moment and monitor student progress.


Welcome to the online home of The Potter’s House International Ministries in Jacksonville Florida! We are a local church with a global impact, “Modelling ministry in the new millennium.” We pray that the resources on our site are a blessing to you and that they help strengthen your walk with God.

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