In the Biblical account of Exodus 3:11, Moses found himself standing before God asking Him: “Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Very similar words went through our minds when God initially gave the vision of the Christian Academy to Bishop McLaughlin. God responded to Moses, “Certainly I will be with you.” Without a doubt, God has been with this ministry. When we see the exuberant faces of all the little souls that could have missed hearing the truth of God’s word as it relates to every area of life, we shudder to think of what their end could have been. However, we are confident that the seeds that are being sown daily into the hearts of these children will one day spring forth fruit: some thirty, some sixty and some one hundred fold, to the glory and honor of God.
As we look over the last twenty plus years, we can see the character of God beginning to take shape and form in the lives of the students. Though still quite young in nature and development, we can see how God has established the school to stand firmly on His word and to press ever forward in sharing the gospel with all who care to hear. A foundation has been firmly laid that we know will allow this extension of the ministry to endure the trials and tests that are yet to come. As we continue to grow each year, we know that there will be new challenges and new trials, but also further victories.
We are eternally grateful to all the parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, staff, alumni, volunteers and church members who have worked feverishly with us to help make our school a lighthouse for a dark world. In a few years, we are expecting God to move in a mighty way as we pray and seek His will concerning our next move. We have over 27 acres of land that will allow us to have one location for the school. We believe that God will send others in our path who will catch the vision and want to be a part; not only will they contribute monetarily, but they will give of their time and talents. We have not received any subsidized funding from other organizations. However, we are expecting a supernatural blessing that will perpetuate this vision, which will impact the lives of thousands of children in years to come. Pray for us!